Book Description

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The first edition of the hardcover book Our Long Island Ancestors, the First Six Generations of Daytons in America, 1639-1807 was published in March 2016 using IngramSpark Publishing. The 455 page compilation contains all known records that document the descent of the authors’ line-six generations of Daytons on Long Island, from Ralph Dayton through Samuel, Abraham, Henry, to David Senior and David Junior (from about 1588 to 1807). ISBN 978-0-9769203-1-1

The extensive study includes critical, original research and examination of existing claims, with effort to label conjecture and theory as such, and to present alternative interpretation. The authors consulted primary sources and interviewed professional historians (cited).

Also included are 45 pages of introduction and contextual information in England; 49 images and illustrations including maps, drawings, figures, location photos, original documents and entries; 14 pages Work Cited; 7 pages Vital Statistics for spouses and children, with references; 19 pages of Index; 878 footnotes, most of which are citation.

Many habitations are included, but the prominent locations are: Ashford Kent, New Haven Colony, North Sea, Flushing, Southampton, East Hampton, Setauket, Oyster Bay and Matinecock, the hamlet of Brookhaven (South, the Fire Place, Dayton’s Neck), Coram, Mt. Sinai (Old Mans), Southold and Patchogue.

Both the hardcover and softcover editions are available from many book distributors like Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Walmart. The book is also cataloged in larger public or genealogy libraries scattered across the country and in historical society collections, mainly in New England and on Long Island.

“Not for profit commitment”
The authors have made a personal commitment to those on Long Island who so generously assisted us. Our price for the book was fixed to recover initial costs of publishing and distribution, then any profits that may arise are donated to the historical societies with which these professionals are affiliated. At the appropriate time, we can consider distribution of electronic copies.

We continue to be humbled by the response our book has received. Some Amazon reviewers have stated:

…the enthusiasm of the authors to understand their heritage is evident
…the real Dayton history
…exhaustively researched
…the real “stuff” of genealogy
…a gift of incredible value

Thank you for the great reviews and encouragement.

4 Responses to Book Description

  1. Bev Tyler says:

    This is a very special book, extensively researched and enjoyable reading. Even though the book is about the Dayton family it is also a wonderful introduction to early colonial history on Long Island and in New England. Get a copy of this book if you can, you will be surprised at how much you can learn from it about early American history and proper research methods.


  2. Charles Dayton says:

    As someone that has trouble finding Dayton history I am thrilled someone is taking this seriously.. Is it safe to say no family name in America can look down on Dayton history in America not even the Kennedys or the Bush families.


    • Steve Dayton says:

      Good morning Charles. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Personally, I am proud of our heritage and would not cower to anyone proclaiming superiority. I have great respect for the humility of our progenitor Ralph and have no trouble placing him against any Kennedy (that I have knowledge of). Certainly, the Kennedys are colorful, but how can you beat Samuel’s escapades?


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